Wednesday, November 03, 2004

My Guess For the Election (quoted from

"Purely a guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if we actually have a Bush landslide.

If and when that happens, Bush should be sure to send bin Laden a nice fruit basket. Because for the first nine months, Bush's presidency was a joke. Then the towers fell, and he was no less a joke than before, but people became afraid to laugh.

It is amazing that Bush can make 9/11 the centerpiece of his campaign without the vast majority of Americans saying, "Hey, wait...that happened on your watch, didn't it? And the guy who did it is still out there, but we're supposed to feel safer with you in charge? What's up with THAT?" It's like the people of South Park strangely feeling safer when Officer Barbrady is running things. And yet polls show they do. Of course, a poll also showed that 75% of Bush's supporters believe Saddam had WMDs and 72% think Saddam was connected with 9/11. So you just get the feeling a lot of people aren't paying attention.

In any event, I think the only reason that people are undecided is because they know in their hearts that Bush is lame, but they haven't brought themselves to embrace Kerry. So my guess is that the undecideds will just stay home, and that should pretty much be the ball game.

Still, it'll be interesting to see what the gargantuan scandals will be that rock the Bush administration in the next four years, and by what point the American people will get fed up being fed the language of fear. In the meantime, so much for stem cell research, and God only knows what the Supreme Court will be like four years from now.


Not the landslide he predicts, but in the end, does that matter?


Blogger Adam Fisher said...

Does it matter that it was close and not a landslide? Yeah I believe it does. Whatever shred of optimism I have left is based on the fact it was a close race, which means there are still alot of people in this country who are against the ideals of Bush and the religious right. Just not quite enough to get him out of office.

4:32 PM  

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