Sunday, May 08, 2005

Jesus voted for W.

Ok, the above article does NOT surprise me.

It irks me, but it's not surprising... and it's one of the reasons I'm against organized religion.

A minister has decided that Democrats are EVIL and has ex-communicated 9 people for not backing W. This means he's damned them to HELL for all eternity because they refused to back someone who has borne false witness( WMDs)[ 9th commandment], and has ORDERED people to kill[ 6th Commandment]. He has also ordered people to break the 'golden rule' as I HIGHLY doubt that W. or anyone who works at Camp X-Ray would want such a thing to happen to THEM or their relations.

I've had problems with the merging of church and state since W. came onto the scene. Priests and ministers have grown bolder as they know that the media won't challenge them.. Heck Fox News is egging them on and Frist... Well Frist is also telling people how G-d hates his enemies.

Heck I'd find it ironic if it wasn't so darn sad, that the same people who say how CHRISTIAN and GOOD W. is- failed to report that 3 days before he meet Prince Abdullah, to beg for gas, the Prince had 40 Pakistani Christians arrested for NOT being Muslim. I guess W. and his backers would rather have lower gas prices then freedom for NON American Christians- because if these people were REAL Christians- they'd be American.


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