Sunday, March 20, 2005

Rights and Wrongs

I spoke to my older brother yesterday and I was surprised at him... Mainly because growing up he was 'the angry young man' but now he beleives that us democrats SHOULD seek the middle ground. That the only way for dems to get power is to cave on a few points. I reminded him that 11 states in this union of ours voted against personal rights( I'm cleaning up my language here as I know I have a habit of using certian words in person for shock value). He pointed out that he wasn't gay so he didn't worry. I pointed out that our mother's second marriage was by a judge( our next door neighbor), what if the republicans in 2008 decided to get rid of civil/ non religous marriages. His retort was that wouldn't change their relationship.

I totally disagree... and while I didn't think of it at the time, as I really just wanted to stop talking to my brother, I felt I should post here 'They came for...' because if you don't speak up for others rights- who'll stick up for yours?

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller- 1945

I'm putting this here as while this started as a personal talk- it really is political. I feel it's about treating others the way YOU wish to be treated. To stand up for others rights because a) it's the right thing to do b) if you don't think of others, who'll think of you?

I plan to send this to him right after I post it here.


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