The other comic
A lot of news has been given to the "muslim" comic that offends. However, it's only on Fox about a week or so ago that I heard about the comic below.
( yes I'm late blogging about this but that's what happens when you work a 6 day week)

I wanted to put here( basically all my blogs) because I thought it was an amusing and TRUE comic.
Yes- Rummy had the gall to say that today's troops are "battle hardened."
I just find this to be laughable. I thought the first punchline was the fact that NONE of Bushco has been "battle hardened". But apparently I was wrong as my google search of 'rumsfeld "battle hardened"' turned up a bio of Rumsfeld subtitled- The Leadership Wisdom of a Battle-Hardened Maverick.
I swear like most stuff coming out of Bushco... if it wasn't sooo darn sad, it would be damn amusing.
Oh and this comic is the gift that keeps on giving as O'Reilly was pissed that the cartoonist didn't have the BALLS to appear on the Factor. O'Reilly basically said that if the cartoonist was going to publish this crap- he should appear on the Factor, that not appearing on the Factor made this guy a chicken and took away from this point. O'Rielly then showed a clip of the cartoonist on the Paula Zahn show, which btw is on CNN at the same time as the Factor. I thought this was darn amusing as I feel that NO left leaning person should go on Fox. I feel the left just gets yelled at, and it 'shows' that Fox can book a 'balenced' show even though the show isn't balenced as they end up cutting the left's mike and letting the right wing talking heads fawn all over the Bushco and the host.
So I'm putting this cartoon all over to show my disdain for the White House and how they're handling the war.
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