Monday, November 22, 2004

Hope is on the Way ?!

Ok so according to the link above, the republicans will implode in the next 4 years or so. They'll get high on power- and feel the 'mandate from the people' means they can do whatever they and THEIR backers want.
That people will get annoyed with the republicans deciding that rules didn't apply to THEM- like the aforementioned DeLay scandal... or that W.'s cabinet is moving to MORE yes-people( don't want to say yes-men as the biggest kiss@$$ is Condi) and away from merit, which means even MORE stupid decisions.

My first reaction, is yes, that might be right- power corrupts and all that; however they'll take the rest of the country down with them. Basically bad presidents affect EVERYONE not just who voted for them. Ted Rall has suggested that idea in several of his toons- the idea that one gets a VESTED interest in the president by if they vote for the winner- the voters get the pluses and minuses of said president...

But for me one of the signs that the republicans are going to implode is Spector. While W. backed him in the republican primaries, it's clear that Spector is a MODERATE republican. He recently became the target of a 'pray in' because he publicly reminded people that he was pro-choice. Spector mentioned that he would NOT allow Bush to put a whole passle of anti choice judges onto the supreme court or the federal bench. The born agains weren't happy....
And this serves to remind us, that the born agains want a small tent, with people who toe the line. This will alienate the moderate, middle of the road business republicans. And as the republicans get more power- the moderates and the born again will have more clashes.

I also would love to have a bunch of dems move to Texas, as I'd like to see a backlash there because of what DeLay did to the state.


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