Sunday, December 19, 2004

To defeat our enemies... Let's BECOME them...?

This has me sick.

I just don't like the idea people have that in order for democrats to be republicans we have to move to the right.

NO! That's not the answer.

Kerry didn't lose by much. There still is no 'mandate' from the people and if the dems move to the right- then not only does the WHOLE country lose- but then Nader's right.

You don't want Nader to be right, well do you?

( for the record I am for more then two parties BUT I'm smart enough to realize that it would only happen here with like run off elections or parliamentary rules[ like Canada]and that isn't going to happen, because that means people who've WON with this system have to make it so that it's easier for someone ELSE to beat them and their friends. So til the system is fixed, we need to make sure that the democratic party isn't 'fixed' by going to the right)


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