Sunday, December 05, 2004

Bush's Draft.

I saw this story on 60 Minutes tonight as I was flipping channels. This is soooo wrong on sooo many levels.

Many men and women answered America's call and served in the U.S. Army in a noble manner( unlike Dick Cheney who was 'too busy' for service), they did their time( unlike W. who went MIA from the NATIONAL GUARD) and then they thought they were done serving( sort of like when W. got his deferment so he could go to grad school)- THESE people are being called back into action because W. needs warm bodies in Iraq.

This is not an all volunteer army anymore more- this is Karl Rove going 'How can I get people to Iraq WITHOUT calling it a draft???"( Rove also didn't serve in the Army).

This is horrid. They are using legal loopholes to make people go and die for their mistakes.

Shame on them. Shame on W. Shame on Cheney. Shame on Rove. Shame on Tom DeLay.

And right now I feel SHAME on everyone between the age of 20-50 who voted for W. and has NOT signed up for service. Obviously these people believe that the war in Iraq is important... So why aren't THEY serving?


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