Saturday, January 08, 2005

Different Gods... Different Values.

Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking, has just written another book called the Death of Innocents. She did an interview for a local paper to promote her book and to draw attention to her anger/dislike of the death penalty.

What I thought was the most interesting part of the interview is her attack on Justice Scalia. She doesn't believe in his interpretation of the BIBLE or the law.

I feel this and my last post here should be separate but have a common theme. The founding fathers fought for separation of Church and State for a reason. A real good reason.

I mean you could argue that the founding fathers wanted this separation because they all were NOT of the same religion, or that the United States wanted freedom from England for economic and NOT religious reasons; but they put it in that clause of "separation of church and state" for a reason.

I love how people like W. and Scalia point out the inflexibility of the Bible and the constitution and say there is ONLY ONE INTERPRETATION... but to get to THEIR ideas you have to ignore some of the other stuff that's right there as clear as day.
There are almost as many ways to think as there are minorities, and it shouldn't be illegal to have different ideas.... but I fear it might be within the next 20 years.


Anonymous Saint Joseph Carpenters said...

Thanks greeat post

9:23 AM  

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