Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Good Laugh

Ok- once again it's amusing to see the difference between REAL reality and neo con reality.

Ann Coulter appears on a Canadian show. She points out how the U.S. and Canada USED to be best buds. How Canada was right in the trenches with America in 'Nam- and what's the difference between Iraq and 'Nam?

And the Canadian said POLITELY "No we weren't"

Now when a normal person is told they are wrong- and were being told on TELEVISION that they were wrong, they'd back down and apologize, or say something like 'well... you get my point, we're amigos'.
Not Ann- she ARGUES with the Canadian about HIS country's history!
She told him about 4 times that she thought he was wrong.

And that's the neo con way of doing things. If they deny reality often enough they, ala Big Brother, come up with a NEWER BETTER reality where they are right.

And for the record- American and Canadian history, NOT so friendly. During the Revolution, American forces attacked Canada, hoping to annex it for our new country. And in the war of 1812( as a Canadian friend loves to point out) it was the Canadians who burnt down the White House.
I also heard that Canada actually welcomed the draft dodgers of 'Nam with open arms and had no problem with these 'unamerican swine'- you know those guys who didn't have rich fathers to get them in the national guard.


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