Fighting lost causes

Man, I totally get the frustration that would cause someone to do that. And frankly, in some circles, I've shared similar sentiments. I'm definitely a blue person residing in a blue state, and I'm numb by the results of last week's election. I personally believe he's an evil man, I do. But this isn't the way. Why?
It only preaches to the choir while cementing the opposition into the position of being the opposition. Go out. Protest. But just like the gay marriage protesters below, keep a mind for what is and is not going too far. How can we hope to ever bring people together if we're going to incense the Republicans by calling their leader a genocidal fascist. Bush isn't that. A nepostistic and greedy oil whore, sure.
Though I can see similarities, and I can see paths Bush can take, or is already taking, that can lead him to that same end: incarceration of suspected terrorists without any rights of due process; the invasion of Iraq; attempting to make homosexuals a lesser and abominable class; warmongering without vast global support...
But people, we're not going to get rid of the guy by playing the Hitler card. At least not yet. Just ask Michael Moore how effective scare tactic propaganda is in getting rid of him.
The only way we'll get rid of him, or whomever is chosen to follow after him, is by winning over more of his supporters. This isn't the way to do that.
That aside, free speech rocks, even if vandalism doesn't. Take the message to the people--just make sure to back the message.
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