Thursday, January 13, 2005

Search's over... Nothing to see here.

Ok so 15,000+ Iraqis have died. As in the link above, NO WMDs have been found or currently are expected to be found.

And of course- W. if he had it to do again, would.

Dang- didn't they make fun of Kerry during the campain for saying that he was CURRENTLY against the war, even though he voted to give W. the POWER to go to war- and would do so again.

In my own blog, I mention that I have a problem killing mice because they're not really evil.
Well W. is evil... Tens of thousands of Iraqis have died because of his pre-emtive war. Hundred of thousands of American solders have been put in harm's way, thousands of THEM dying... and for what????
Apparently NOT because Saddam had WMDs.


Anonymous MaryPena said...

Great blog I enjoyed reading it

12:18 PM  

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