Saturday, January 08, 2005

Why does this not surprise me

Ok basically as part of the 2005 budget signed in... W. ( and his republican christian cronies) have said that Health care providers do NOT have to pay for any abortion procedures.

I don't even have to go very far to picture the horrors of this idea. Imagine if a woman's life was in danger from her pregnancy. OUR government is saying that the doctors don't have to advise her to have an abortion- because that goes against the doctor's religious beliefs. So there's a chance that both HER and the baby die... However the doctor will say HE doesn't have their blood on his hand- because that's G-d's will.
Likewise, say this woman realizes that the pain MEANS something and asks the doctor for an abortion, he's allowed to refuse. And even if the woman has enough time to find a compentent doctor to perform the abortion... Her health care provider will be allowed to say they find abortion morally repugnant. So she doesn't have enough money and dies. Both the doctor and the health care provider will say they did the right thing... and still it was G-d's will.
How many Health providers will suddenly develop christain morals when they realize they can keep costs down.

Finally ( for this post) can someone explain how you can justify a insurance plan that covers erections but not abortions?


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