Black not only equals White for W. but also 52.3
I just read this story and I KEEP getting forced backed into the idea that reality really is what W. makes it. It's not enough that his sense of right and wrong is pretty different from mine... It's that reality BENDS to their will. The facts are either unimportant or bend to W.'s will. In 2000- Social Security= Lock Box, 2005- Social Security= National Emergency.
So Iraq USED to equal BAD, but now that Bushco control it- it's GOOD. When it was BAD, it was responsible for every threat against America and what WE stand for. However now that Bushco controls it, Christlike it's been re-born into a SHINING example of all that is GOOD.
So before- W. had no problems giving millions of Saddam's EVIL blood money to OUR men and women brutally wronged by Saddam. NOW W. feels it's more important that the money goes to paying Iraq's debt to Haliburton... and besides can we REALLY put a price tag on pain and suffering? NOPE, and that's why we need tort reform... to save doctors from unnecessary lawsuits.
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