Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Scares the heck out of me...

Ok... I read this story on Media Matters and it scares the stuffing out of me.

Basically someone called O'Reilly and had the NERVE to disagree with the fair AND balanced
O'Reilly. Now being fair AND balanced O'Reilly said
Anyway, we get another nut on the air. That's the worst part of doing this. Ninety percent of the callers are good, and then you get nuts. Now, we should go to their house. We should all go because I can get their addresses when they call in. We can trace them back, and we should all go over and surprise them

Get it. If you call The FACTOR and disagree- O'Reilly thinks he has the right to tell EVERYBODY where you live. Guess that's O'Reilly's way of looking out for you.

So I went to the game store to warn my friends there NEVER to call Fox for fear that they'll track him down. He pointed out that Fox had sorta done this....

By "sorta" I mean they put the address of a home an Islamic radical, but the 'terrorist' had moved out THREE YEARS AGO.
Can you imagine being in a house that Fox has labeled owned by a terrorist. I think the couple who live there should sue Fox- as should the town( as they have to have police make extra patrol arround the house to make sure the couple is safe)

And I warn you people not to call Fox... or think of calling them... for fear of O'Reilly unleashing his ditto heads( or whatever his unthinking fan base is called).

And that's DREW looking out for you.


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