Sunday, December 17, 2006

Gingrich in '08

Right now I'm posting this for Drew, because Blogger's switch to Beta screwed his permissions up. The inappropriate picture is all me--Evan

Gingrich cited last month's ejection of six Muslim scholars from a plane in Minneapolis for suspicious behavior, which included reports they prayed before the flight and had sat in the same seats as the Sept. 11 hijackers.

"Those six people should have been arrested and
prosecuted for pretending to be terrorists," Gingrich said. "And the crew of the U.S. airplane should have been invited to the White House and congratulated for being correct in the protection of citizens."

So if we vote for Gingrinch we get more fearmonger ala
W., and Less Rights ala W.
You'd sorta hope that the right had realized the
thumping they took in 06 would've have meant that they
would've changed the playbook.

Right now I'm not sure whether I'm happy that
Gingrinch hasn't learnt the lessons the right
should've from the last election... or scared that
with Faux News, Gingrich might still have a chance to
scare enough red necks to voting for him and continue
to send their kids to die in the middle east for


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