Saturday, November 12, 2005

If you're not with them, they want you to go to H***

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson warned residents of a rural Pennsylvania town Thursday that disaster may strike there because they "voted God out of your city" by ousting school board members who favored teaching intelligent design.
All eight Dover, Pa., school board members up for re-election were defeated Tuesday after trying to introduce "intelligent design" -- the belief that the universe is so complex that it must have been created by a higher power -- as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city," Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club."

The above quote is why I detest organized religion… because in my mind, it’s about the pope/rabbi/nut job telling you if you do NOT do what THEIR god tells you to do, their god will get angry and do something BAD to you.

I was happy when I read about the town’s choice, not only did the town’s vote agree with my choice on ‘intelligent design’, BUT they told the school board that the school board doesn’t speak for them. It’s important in a republic, such as we have that when someone you vote for doesn’t properly represent you, you vote for someone else. In 2002, when Kerry voted FOR the war in Iraq, I didn’t damn him I simply voted against him. I knew he would still win without my vote, but I wanted to send him a message. Sadly he didn’t get the message, as seen from his run in 2004, but I tried to let him know how I felt in a proper manner. I didn’t threaten to take away his cookie [as did the guy who’s the current pope], thus damning him.
I really don’t like people whose only response when you disagree with them is ‘go to hell!’ Which it turns out, is usually where I want them to go.


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