Sunday, September 24, 2006

Clinton on Fox

I wanted to link to Think Progress' video imbed of Clinton being interviewed by Wallace on Fox News.

Clinton really lays the smack down on Fox. You can then go to their main pages as they have several posts showing how often Fox asked the repugs the HARD questions ( which is one of the things that got Bill in a fit).

I just thought Bill was in top form and wish a few more dems showed the backbone he does.

Clinton on Fox

I wanted to link to Think Progress' video imbed of Clinton being interviewed by Wallace on Fox News.

Clinton really lays the smack down on Fox. You can then go to their main pages as they have several posts showing how often Fox asked the repugs the HARD questions ( which is one of the things that got Bill in a fit).

I just thought Bill was in top form and wish a few more dems showed the backbone he does.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

He's FOR Torture....

Words once again fail me to vent my anger at Dictator W.

This is a man who has never served his country on forgein soil in uniform( hey it's doubtful he even served HERE in uniform).... telling the world that he wants the U.S. to define for it's self what torture is or is not.
And he's saying unless congress does what HE wants... He will stop the army from questioning prisioners... which, of course, will jeopardize more lives.

I say that the U.S.A. should NOT be for torture.

In 2004, after W. won/stole his second election, I let my freinds know that I was all for forming an angry mob. Again I feel this way as a man who says he's "compassionate" wishes to change the laws of the world so that he can BEAT PEOPLE UP.

When will we as a nation stand up and say "No, this bozo doesn't speak for us!" ?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

There's a hole in the city...

Just wanted to share this vid of Olbermann's from last night.

I think everyone should see it and be reminded of what fuckwads we have leading this country...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Let's bomb them... until they like us.

Senate rejects limits on cluster bombs

By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The Senate on Wednesday rejected a move by Democrats to stop the Pentagon from using cluster bombs near civilian targets and to cut off sales unless purchasers abide by the same rules.

On a 70-30 vote, the Senate defeated an amendment to a Pentagon budget bill to block use of the deadly munitions near populated areas. The vote came after the State Department announced last month that it is investigating whether Israel misused American-made cluster bombs in civilian areas of Lebanon.

. . .

"For too long, innocent civilians, not enemy combatants, have suffered the majority of casualties from cluster munitions," (Sen.Patrick) Leahy (D-Vt.) said. "The recent experience in Lebanon is only the latest example of the appalling human toll of injury and death. Strict rules of engagement are long overdue."

But Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, said, "The rules of engagement properly belong with the Department of Defense and the commander in chief."

Stevens argued that the amendment would restrict "the ability of our military to use these munitions to protect our people."

Ok, W. ( and his neo con echo chamber) have constantly used the "3,000 who died on 9-11" as an excuse for this war... That we must make sure it doesn't happen again. That the terrorists killed 3,000 Americans...

Which leads me to ask ALL 70 Senators who voted to keep cluster fucking Iraq and other countries... how many of their lives is worth an American??!!??
I say this because Iraq Body Count has the amount of Iraqis WE'VE killed at arround 40,000. That's over 13x the number of people who died Sept. 11, 2001. Oh... and our killing is still taking place, so expect that to be bigger next month.

Monday, September 04, 2006

News that needs to remain news...

In this week's phoenix( a weekly local progressive paper) I read about First Lt. Ehren Watada and how he has refused to be stationed in Iraq on the grounds that the war is illegal.

I brought the pheonix into the gift store this week to read and Supervisor L. thought Ehren Watada's story was interesting and moving. I told him I was writing Ehren Watada's name down so I could track the story. He countered that since the story was so interesting that it wouldn't be too hard to follow. I responded that if it was so important( which I think it is... why hadn't we heard of Ehren Watada before this story?

Sadly my above point was driven home more when I did a search using Google News, as I wanted to see if there were any updates... I got ZIP.
Google News told me:
Your search - "ehran watada" - did not match any documents.

So I'm posting this here so I remember First Lt. Ehren Watada. This is a man who joined the Army to PROTECT the United States and he refuses to go to Iraq because he realizes that to fight in Iraq is a) Not protecting the United States and b) is illegal.

Finally I wish to link back to an article I wrote for GMA about how much of the U.S. Army and our government would be found guilty at Nuremberg. When I googled "articles of nuremberg" I was very happy that one of my 5 hits was my article... though it also saddened me as again I feel this is an angle of the Iraqi war that the media should cover more/better.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Rummy's speech.

This time my lag time for blogging about a neo con foot in mouth is less then a week. I felt I needed to say something about Rumsfeld’s comparing me and others like me to Nazi appeasers.

My first thought is just to throw this link of Keith Olbermann. He rips Rummy a new one. I really was glad I watch Olbermann when I saw his speech, and happier still when on his next show he had Howard Dean respond to Rumsfeld, which I also suggest you watch on the Olbermann site if you missed it.

However I wanted to mention a couple of other things; which is basically how Rumsfeld got it the other way around (as per usual). First if you look at the 14 points of Fascism; you will note that the neo-cons meet most or all of them. Next, an old chestnut- Prescott Bush (grandfather to Shrub) actually was a business partner with the Nazis.
Sadly I do not have enough time to look for a link for my third point- so you’re just gonna have to accept my word- or look for yourself, the fact is during WWII the Nazi appeasers in the U.S. were the REPUBLICAN PARTY, not the Democrats (as FDR was president and had to pull the country kicking and screaming into WWII). I can’t find articles on this, not because they don’t exist but because sooo many pages of google’s search for ‘war appeasers” and republicans bring up Rumsfeld and not anything historic.