Response to the other side...
In July I posted here about Bernie Goldberg's 'new book' The 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America( and Al Franken is #37)with the blog title- I (hate) America. The reason I put the (hate) in parenthesis is because I do NOT really hate America, but according to the right I do. The right has a huge chip on their shoulders with their ‘If you’re not with us, you’re against us’ mentality. They claimed often that if Kerry was elected president the question wouldn’t be IF we were attacked again, but WHEN.
I titled the post I (hate) America because an author had published a list of 100 people who, according to him are hurting America. Most of these people are democrats, or people who question the republican attack machine. I put in my post the ‘attacks’ on Ted Kennedy. Ted is MY representative, and I felt he did a good job by voting against the president to allow W to attack Iraq. I personally like many of the people on the list, and indeed, there’s a link on this page and my own blog to Ted Rall [15]. The only reason I can see for Rall to be on the list, is because he has a dark sense of humor and uses it against the republicans.
I disliked this list because you have bunch of bleeding heart liberals © and no right wing hate monkeys © like Bill O’ Reilly or Ann Coulter on it or any of the Fox News crew, people who are destroying American culture far faster then the left.
I bring all this up because Evan brought to my attention the fact that someone recently responded to this post- with the following-
sue Brantley said...
Then leave America! You won't be missed and America will be a lot better for it.
Now I think from my post and hers, that she didn’t read my post. She didn’t get any level of Irony or that I’m sick of the right attacking the left. I don’t think that LIBERAL is a dirty word. And I’m proud to be one.
I’m not leaving the U.S. because guess what- I’m not in a teeny tiny minority. It’s not like Reagan where W. won all but one state…. Even if you allow for ‘republican’ reality, in 2000- W. won the electoral vote but NOT the popular vote- more people voted for Gore (and others) then W. W won in 2000 because of the electoral college. In 2004, while W. might’ve won based on fear, it hasn’t lasted.
In current polls, the American people agree with ME more then they agree with W. W’s polls numbers say less then 40% of America think he’s doing a good job and 70% of America [ a super majority] want the U.S. out of Iraq. W feels he doesn’t have to listen to polls because HE knows what’s right, I say he doesn’t listen to polls because he’s a spoiled little rich kid who wants to do what HE wants and not what the people want. Another majority that W doesn’t listen to is the majority of Americans who believe that Abortion should be legal.
So I have no plans on leaving, I have as much right to be here as anyone else. Did any of the Right Wing Hate Monkeys © leave when Clinton was in the White House? No… They tried everything in their power to demonize Bill ‘N Hillary and get them out of power… Now the left is trying to do the same thing and the right brands us traitors, liars and tells us to either get with the program, leave OUR country (as this woman did to me) or be smited by THEIR god for not getting with the program( as Pat Robertson did to a small town for refusing HIS god in THEIR school).
Ain’t gonna happen. We’re mad as heck, and we’re not gonna take it any more. We’re staying in the U.S. to try to take OUR country back in 2006.